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Finance Procedure

A. Control of Advances, Liquidation and Reimbursement of Expenses

1. Advances -

1.1 The company provides the necessary advances to employees for expenses wherein exact amount is not yet possible to determine upon preparation of check voucher & check (like business trip expenses and expenses for company activities).

1.2 No advances shall be made unless with duly approved Cash Advance & Liquidation Form submitted to the Accounting Assistant/Staff for check preparation, together with other supporting documents.

2. Liquidation -

2.1 Liquidation of advances must be made within two (2) weeks after all the expenses for which the advance was made had been incurred.

2.2 The Accounting Assistant follows up liquidation of all advances made.

2.3 Liquidation of advances made after two (2) weeks but not more than one (1) month after the expense is incurred will no longer be honored by Finance Department unless with approval from the Administration Manager and/or Vice President indicating the reason why it took him such a period to prepare the liquidation.

2.4 Advances that remained unliquidated for more than one month after the expense is incurred will be considered as personal advances and shall be deducted from the salary of the employee/officer who made the advances.

3. Reimbursements -

3.1 Requests for reimbursement of company expenses must be made within two (2) weeks after the expense is incurred.

3.2 Finance Department will not honor any reimbursement of expenses unless there is a duly approved Advances & Liquidation Form supported by Official Receipts and/or other related documents.

3.3 Reimbursement requests made two (2) weeks after the expense is incurred will not be honored by Finance Department unless with approval from the Administration Manager and/or Vice President.

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