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Article IX - Uniform Policy

Policy Statement

The employee's personality is reflective of the image of the company. It is in this regard that the Company requires all its employees to wear proper business attire when reporting for work.

Section 1. All female and male employees are required to wear the prescribed uniforms from Mondays thru Thursdays. Fridays shall be considered as "wash day".

Section 2. Female Officers (PL to Supervisor) and Managers have the option to wear the company uniform or otherwise. But should they decide to avail of the uniform they shall be covered by the policies stated herein.

Section 3. Employees are allowed not to wear the prescribed uniform on the following occasions:

a. when attending seminars (whether whole day or half-day)

b. official meeting outside the company premises

c. general cleaning

d. field trips

e. when invited to be a speaker in another place (schools, other companies etc)

However, prior written permission shall be secured from the HR Department, duly noted by the Department Manager/ immediate superior. Otherwise it shall be considered as unofficial.

Section 4. For cases wherein an employee did not wear the prescribed office uniform, the concerned personnel should inform the HR Department through filing of excuse form HROA-A-9902, signed by the Department Manager.

Section 4.1 The concerned employee should bring the uniform damaged/needs repair, to be used as proof. She/he shall be given two (2) weeks to replace the said uniform. If in case the employee did not bring the said uniform, request to be excused shall not be approved.

Section 4.2 If in case due to health reasons (Example: An employee who cannot wear shoes because of any foot injury and there is no wound or scratches) the concerned employee should submit a medical certificate.

Section 4.3 For lost uniforms, employees should state in the excuse form the date uniform was lost. S/he shall be given two (2) weeks to replace the lost uniform. An official receipt should be submitted to HR Department, as proof of purchasing new uniform.

If the lost uniform was found and there is no need for replacement, the concerned employee is not considered excused. Therefore, the date/s that the employee did not wear the prescribed uniform is considered as an offense.

Section 5. Disciplinary Actions for violating the Policy on Office Attire shall automatically mean implementation of the following:

1st Offense : Verbal Warning
2nd Offense : Written Warning
3rd Offense : 1-day Suspension & cancellation of rice benefit for one (1) month
4th Offense : 3-days Suspension & cancellation of rice benefit for one (1) month
5th Offense : 5- days Suspension & cancellation of rice benefit for two (2) months or if employee has no rice benefit, 8-day suspension shall be implemented.

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